Our parish hosted a family literacy night at our school! They had 5 rotations:
Taste your Buds Bingo
Family Quiz Showdown
Discipline & Behavior Station (Good Tastes & Bad Tastes)
Waterford Literacy Station
Chatterpix app (my station)
Chatterpix is a free app and you can use it with any book, picture, or selfie.
The students had passages from the book Taste Your Words and they took a pic of one of the characters from the book and recorded the passage.
Kiddos just have to draw a straight line by the character’s mouth.
Students can add different colors and objects on the character.
After that, the magic happens. Students can save the video on their app or can also add their video to their Seesaw account to app smash! #chatterpix #tasteyourwords #teacher #techieteacher #elementaryteacher