Tuesday, June 16, 2015

iPad day presentation

I have some awesome iPad apps to share for you to use with your class.
1st app
Quiver 3D (originally ColAR mix)
Download the free quiver app on your device.

Download and print the ready-made images at www.quivervision.com (formerly colAR mix).  (Free images are available and there are also others to purchase.)   

Students work in pairs to color the image and create a story to accompany their illustration.  We used this in Writing Workshop where we focused on creating stories with a beginning, middle, and ending. 

Here is a graphic organizer created by Houghton Mifflin that you can use with this project:  http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/storymap3.pdf
Examples how to use Aurasma:
Parent’s Night Project: Self-portraits using Aurasma
Students can create their self-portraits at the beginning of each year, and these can be posted on a bulletin board before Parent’s Night.  Any type of art medium can be used, and these can also be laminated.  Students then work in pairs to record videos of each other that will welcome their parents when they visit through the magic of Aurasma. 

Before beginning, download the free Aurasma app onto your device.

Terms to know:  One student will video the other to create the overlay, which is the video itself that magically appears when the device is placed over the trigger, which in this case is the self-portrait.  The overlay and trigger image are linked together in Aurasma to create the magic of an aura. 

Here is a PDF created by Karen Ogen with easy instructions for creating your own augmented reality: http://www.lexrich5.org/webpages/kogen/files/how%20to%20create%20your%20own%20augmented%20reality%20with%20aurasma.pdf

Here is a video tutorial created by Steve Morgan for creating your own augmented reality:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ_UEfoNzbI

Here is a great site by Erin Klein with more information: http://www.kleinspiration.com/2013/05/using-augmented-reality-via-aurasma-in.html
Interactive Word Wall Project: Video skits using Aurasma
This project can be used with any set of vocabulary or word wall words in which students are learning the definitions.

Students work in teams to choose a word, which they write on an index card or in a journal.  They work together to write a skit that will demonstrate the meaning of their word.  After practicing their play, a student from another team is chosen to record them acting it out.  This video will be the overlay to attach to the trigger image.  In this case, the trigger image which will be the word itself written on the index card or journal.      
End of the Year Project: A welcome book for next year’s students using Aurasma
Students worked in pairs to choose an area of the classroom that they wanted future pupils to know about.  They can draw an illustration, which would become the trigger image.  Together they can write a script of what they would say, and someone was chosen to record it or to be recorded. These videos were the overlays, which were linked to the image in Aurasma.  When all were complete, they can be stapled together to create a class book.        

Holiday Project:  Students create puzzles with an Aurasma message
As holiday gifts for parents, each student can draw a picture on a blank puzzle.  These puzzles were the trigger images for overlays, which were videos of the student delivering a holiday message to their parents through Aurasma.  The gift of the puzzle was sent home before the holiday break, along with instructions for parents on how to view the special surprise. 

To purchase pre-made blank puzzles, go to http://www.barebooks.com/product-category/puzzles/12piecepuzzle/ where they can be bought for $1.50 each.  To make your own, use cardstock or glue white printer paper to a cardboard backing.  (We used the backs of old notebooks that we had been collecting.)  After the student draws the picture, simply cut it into puzzle pieces.  (We cut ours into six large pieces.) 

Be sure to create the overlays after cutting the pieces so that the trigger image will be the put together puzzle. 
·         Draw the image.
·         Cut it into pieces. 
·         Put it together. 
·         Create the overlay on the assembled puzzle as the trigger.  

Book reviews using Aurasma
Students each chose a favorite book that had been previously read.  They wrote about their books using this template: http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/printouts/BookReview.pdf

Students worked with a partner to video each other in order to create the overlays.  The trigger images were photographs taken of the book covers.  When they were linked in Aurasma, they were placed in a special basket in our classroom and labeled “AR” so that friends could view each other’s recommendations.   
Here are some pics that I found on the internet of teachers who used Aurasma in their classroom...
This example is where the teacher had the students record themselves reading the words from the story and then took a picture of the cover of the book as the trigger image.
This is an awesome idea for an open house.  Have the students draw a picture about themselves and the students would make a video.  When the parents would scan the trigger image, they will see their child's video.  Parents LOVE this!
3D Flashcards: Fun way to practice skills using AR Flashcards
Download the app, AR Flashcards. 

Visit http://www.arflashcards.com/ to download and print the flashcards necessary to make this app work. (Make sure to print the flashcards in color, as they will not work in black and white.) Topics currently involve space, the alphabet, and shapes, for example.  In the alphabet cards, for example, tap on each animal image to hear the letter and name of the animal as it appears in 3D.   
 Video explaining topics using EduCreations
Along with a partner, students created explanations of math concepts through the free screencasting app, EduCreations.  This app allows you to record your voice and your iPad screen to demonstrate or teach a lesson. When these recordings are played, the audience not only hears the explanation, but also magically sees whatever was drawn on the screen to accompany the lesson.  These lessons are then saved in your account and can be viewed by anyone with the link.  Students can create lessons that can be viewed by current classmates or by the teacher’s classes in the years to come.  Screencasts can be viewed over and over so that a student who does not understand a topic can refer to it as often as needed from home or school.
Download the EduCreations app.  (The basic account is free with the only drawback being that a teacher can only have one draft open at a time.  This means only one pair of students can save work to return to later so it’s best that the partners have enough time to create it from start to finish.)  

Decide what topics you want your students to focus on.  In our case, young math students explained topics such as how to use a hundred chart or what they knew about the parts of a clock and telling time. 

Planning it out ahead of time is essential so that when they work on the iPad, they will have all their decisions made and can work without having to stop and make group decisions.  We’ve included our graphic organizer at the end of this document to use with your students. 

Here is a tutorial on how to use the app and create a lesson:  https://www.educreations.com/lesson/view/how-to-use-educreations/7416256/


  1. Hey, Misty! Just saw you and your sweet son on Periscope! I love your awesome ideas here, and I really hope I get my act together and do the Open House idea. I teach Spanish immersion so my parents would LOVE to see videos of their child sharing in Spanish. Thanks again and keep on scoping!

  2. Thanks so much! Also, thanks for being an inspiration to me! I have purchased some items on your TPT that I will be using for my tech showcase presentation. Administration and other teachers will be observing my classroom. Thanks again!!
