I was asked to review the program from Mentoring Minds and I was very excited at the opportunity.
The workbooks arrived and I was very impressed!

Here is the teacher's guide:
I have to say that I absolutely love that the Common Core Standard is identified on each page. This is so easy for teachers to determine what they want to use to help their students meet those specific standards. I also love that each lesson has a introduction and ideas on how to start the lesson. The Blooms level is actually listed on each lesson and I have NEVER seen that before. It gives you suggestions on a formal/informal assessment and also gives you extended connections with literacy.
Below is just one example on the teacher edition book.
The lessons have:
Unpacking the Standards
Getting Started
Childen's Literature Connections
Vocabulary Focus
Suggested Instructional Activities
Suggested Relection/Closure Activity
Extending Student Thinking
Answer Key and Coding (ex.picture below)
Here is the student workbook for 1st grade math:
The student workbook is just as awesome!
They have a Unit:
Partner Practice
Independent Practice (ex.pictured below)
Critical Thinking
Motivation Station
Motivation Station Example:
Next, I want to talk about the web version of Mentoring Minds
This next picture is an example of what you would see as an administrator. I love that everything is broken down by question so the teacher can see what a student is specifically struggling with.
This is an example of the teacher view online. As you can see, you can make assignments, view reports, manage assignments, and grade assignments.
This is an example of a 1st grade math assignment online.
This is a view of the tools that are available to the student that they can use while they are completing an assignment.
Please check out their website: Mentoring Minds
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